In July 2018, CLI finished its cooperation partnership work with GIZ on the “Vocational Integration of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine” project, focusing on “Support for Innovative Multi-Stakeholder Projects”. CLI’s involvement entailed a specially-created format of three three-day workshops that relied on the Collective Leadership Compass as a primary methodology, but was also heavily reliant on the Dialogic Change Model (DCM).
The objective of the larger GIZ project was to generate innovative Multi-Stakeholder Partnership project ideas to address the chronic issue of employment integration challenges of internally displaced persons due to the conflict in Eastern Ukraine in 2014. Agenda 2030 was always in focus and CLI brought its expertise on SDG No. 17 Partnership for the Goals to the forefront. However, there were project ideas that touched on many of the other SDGs including SDG No. 1 No Poverty, No. 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, No. 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, No. 10 Reduced Inequalities, No. 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, and No. 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
The prospect for the larger GIZ project was significantly advanced by CLI’s powerful collaboration ecosystem and Collective Leadership approach.