On-site Courses
CLI's training programmes come to you
Build capacity, get results

CLI’s on-site courses bring team members and partners into intense exchange and project focused work, which helps bringing strategic issues forward and producing concrete results.

Throughout the course, participants partake actively in practical exercises based on their concrete needs, applying practical tools and thereby accomplishing tasks directly relevant to their work. The combination of theory, personal reflection and practical exercises helps building stronger trust and relationships within the group. We will help your team and partners to work on your specific training goal.



  • Learn how to engage stakeholders
  • Manage complexity in projects
  • Bring different interest groups together
  • Design result-oriented processes
  • Get high quality and sustainable results
  • Apply CLI’s © Dialogic Change Model or © Collective Leadership Compass in practice
  • Save travel costs and tuition fees
Efficient and flexible

We offer a 4 days on-site capacity building program based on the course of your choice of the CLI standard educational program. These courses include:

We offer the courses in English, German, French, and Spanish. CLI can also offer Arabic, Russian, and Ukrainian through partners. However, trainings in other languages with simultaneous interpreting can also be booked upon request.

For the on-site course, the programme will be designed with a focus on project or country specific objectives, including a review and analysis of the project, preparatory interviews with participants, facilitation design and all training material, implementation of the course with two facilitators, debriefing with option of follow-on capacity building, a debriefing report with recommendations, all in close communications with the core team.

Training your team on-site can reduce travel costs and makes your planning flexible. We offer this kind of training for 16+ participants and it scales the more participants you have. Different projects or organisations can also jointly register to have an on-site training together. You can specify the location, dates and number of participants. Two of our expert trainers will be made available to implement your training.



Place/Country/Region Category No. of Participants
Ghana Agriculture 22
Morocco Good Governance 16


Place/Country/Region Category No. of Participants
South Africa Transparency and Good Governance 16
Nigeria Technical and Vocational Education 16
Morocco Employment Promotion 16
South Africa Security 26


Place/Country/Region Category No. of Participants
Senegal Employment Promotion 16
South Africa Transparency and Good Governance 16
Morocco Economic Development and Employment Promotion 38
Jordan Gender Equality 16
Tunisia Digitalization and Good Governance 16
Morocco Economic Development and Employment Promotion 21
Tunisia Digitalization and Good Governance 16
Nigeria / hybrid TVET and Employment Promotion 40
South Africa Transparency and Good Governance 12
Tunisia Digitalization and Good Governance 12
Morocco Economic Development 16
Denmark / online Education 12
Morocco Economic Development 16


Place/Country/Region Category No. of Participants
Senegal Employment Promotion 16
Senegal Employment Promotion 16
Tunisia Good Governance 16
Senegal Employment Promotion 16
Morocco Economic Development and Employment Promotion 16


Place/Country/Region Category No. of Participants
Nigeria / online TVET and Employment Promotion 40
Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique / online Health and Environment 17
Nigeria / online TVET and Employment Promotion 56
Senegal Employment Promotion 16
Helsinki, Finland Sustainable Development Goals 14
Nigeria / online TVET and Employment Promotion 56


Place/Country/Region Category No. of Participants
Fes, Morocco Economic Development and Employment 16
Tanzania Health 16
Côte d’Ivoire / online Food and Agriculture 16
Senegal / online TVET and Employment Promotion 16
Morocco / online Economic Development and Employment 16
Nigeria / online TVET and Employment Promotion 21


Place/Country/Region Category No. of Participants
Rabat, Morocco Economic Development and Employment 18
Rabat, Morocco Economic Development and Employment 16
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Food and Agriculture 16
Rabat, Morocco Economic Development and Employment 16
Rabat, Morocco Economic Development and Employment 16
Rabat, Morocco Economic Development and Employment 16
Rabat, Morocco Economic Development and Employment 16


Place/Country/Region Category No. of Participants
Cairo, Egypt TVET 16
Siem Reap, Cambodia Security 20
Siem Reap, Cambodia Security 20
Georgia Environment and Climate 16
Rabat, Morocco Economic Development and Employment 18
Sri Lanka Peace Buildung and Reconciliation 18
Sri Lanka Peace Buildung and Reconciliation 19


Place/Country/Region Category No. of Participants
Ouarzazate, Morocco Economic development and employment 19
Ifrane, Morocco Economic development and employment 17
Ifrane, Morocco Economic development and employment 20
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia TVET 16
Kairouan, Tunisia Good governance 16
Agadir, Morocco Economic development and employment 18
Namibia TVET 22


Place/Country/Region Category No. of Participants
Morocco Economic development and employment 27
Tunis, Tunisa Economic development and employment 22
Pretoria, South Africa Social Empowerment 30
Rwanda Agriculture 20
Namibia Vocational Education and Training




Place/Country/Region Category No. of Participants
Colombo, Sri Lanka Good Governance 17
Colombo, Sri Lanka Good Governance 2 22
Madagascar Environment and Climate Change 16
Mali Health 30
Georgia Gender Equality 12


Place/Country/Region Category No. of Participants
Kigali, Rwanda Economic development and employment 45
Nepal Economic development and employment 23
Laos Environment and Climate Change 41
Entebbe, Uganda Water Management 20


Place/Country/Region Category No. of Participants
Nyamata, Rwanda Economic development and employment 27
Pretoria, South Africa Security and Reconstruction 25
Comoros Islands Health 16


Information on Corona Virus and pandemic situations

CLI is regularly evaluating the Covid-19 pandemic (and – if applicable – other pandemic situations), including in terms of holding in-person vs. digital workshops. Therefore, CLI’s on-site course policy is as follows (latest updated on 10 January 2024):

  1. In-person on-site courses can take place as long as the area itself and Germany are not classified as regions at risk. In-person on-site courses are only possible where the German Federal Foreign Ministry cancelled Covid-19 (and potentially other pandemic deseases) related travel warnings. Updates can be found here (in German): https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/de/ReiseUndSicherheit/covid-19/2296762. CLI facilitators who come to an in-person training are fully vaccinated (Covid-19) and we request you to respect and take care of the local anti-pandemic measures during in-person on-site courses.
  2. If you would like to organize an on-site course in another country or with participants from other countries where 1. does not apply, you are still invited to register for such a course that we can deliver in one of the following formats:
    • Hybrid on-site course (suitable in regions where local gatherings of small groups are allowed): Your team and your partners are in one room and our facilitator(s) are connected virtually via Zoom or MS Teams. CLI facilitators give the methodological input and instructions like in in-person trainings. A suitable room equipped with a projector and flipcharts for the participants is a requirement. Get in touch with us for the detailed requirements.
    • Hybrid on-site course for several small groups (suitable in regions where local gatherings are only allowed for less than 10 people or for projects that are working in different regions, where participants are not able to gather in one room): Similar to standard hybrid on-site course, but with 3 to 4 rooms that are also connected virtually not only to the CLI facilitators, but also to the other rooms.
    • Online on-site course (suitable in regions with lockdowns or where all participants have an own laptop and room): These work like our online open courses. Every participant connects with her or his own laptop to the training session and can work from home or the office. Organizers will benefit from group discounts compared to open course prices. More information on how our online learning format works can befound at CLI’s online intensive training section.
  3. Please consider that with these three formats you cannot only be flexible in date, place, and language. These on-site course formats also offer the opportunity for your team and project partners to have a system’s specific and time-zone specific learning experience.
  4. If you cannot participate because the technology does not work out for you, of course you get your money back or a voucher for the next on-site course. The best way to ensure a smooth online experience is to request a test session with us in advance. This also gives you the chance to talk in advance on your projects, challenges, skills, etc. that you would like to address with the CLI training.

You might have to organize more online and hybrid stakeholder dialogues and meetings in the future. CLI is your trusted partner in offering you methodologies and know-how, as well as conceptualizing and supporting such sessions. Feel free to contact us at germany@collectiveleadership.com should you have any questions. Stay tuned, stay curious, stay well!

The CLI team

Other training formats